In the manufacture of Propolis Extract Polenectar™ – Brix Range 35% and Brix Range 43% only Extra Neuter Cereal Alcohol (Ethyl Alcohol) and carefully selected Propolis are used, including large amounts of "GREEN" Propolis, presenting thereby ARTEPILLIN-C among their constituents. No other additive or any toxic substance are used in its preparation and the use of Extra Neuter Cereal Alcohol is justifiable because it is one of the most suitable solvents, extracting most of the useful substances of Propolis.
Propolis Extract Polenectar™– Brix Range 35% has a milder flavor, aimed at people who dislike the strong flavor of Propolis. On the other side, Propolis Extract Polenectar™ – Brix Range 43% is more concentrated, thus presenting a more pronounced and spicy flavor.
Ingredients: Propolis (including "GREEN" Propolis) and Extra Neuter Cereal Alcohol.
Presentation: Glass flasks containing 30 ml of extract, packed in boxes with 16 or 36 units.